ZERODHA’s Nikhil Kamath On How To Make MONEY In 2022 | The Ranveer Show 173

Nikhil Kamath of Zerodha discusses the budget and shares his experience in trading, finance, and economics, highlighting the importance of emotional growth and the challenges faced by speculators and day traders in India due to the STT.

ZERODHA’s Nikhil Kamath On How To Make MONEY In 2022 | The Ranveer Show 173

Key Insights

## Financial Insights and Strategies

  • 💰 Nikhil Kamath shares his years of experience trading in the stock market, offering valuable insights on finance and economics.
  • 🌍 “Last year has been good interesting, many victories and losses, but net net, things are better and more peaceful than they were.”
  • 😅 Nikhil Kamath admits that he didn’t handle a certain situation well, but he still has respect for the person involved and considers him one of the brightest minds in India.
  • 🌟 Your wins and losses are temporary, and it’s important not to overreact or give them too much mind space, as they will pass with time.
  • 💰 Lowering tax rates can actually increase tax collection as it incentivizes more people to come out and pay taxes, even if it seems counter-intuitive.
  • 💰 “One interesting opportunity opens up taxation on publicly listed equity is 10 ltcg…somebody might well open companies which are publicly listed tomorrow and give people the benefit of 10 taxation whilst their only business is investing in digital assets, and that’s a nice arbitrage play right because here you’re paying 10 and there you’re paying 30.”
  • 🤝 “You’re one of the few people in my life where every single conversation with you I learned something new, and it could even be a simple question.”
  • 😊 Ranveer’s optimism is contagious and it’s great to be around someone who radiates positive energy.

## Economic Trends and Government Policies

  • 🌍 The amount of money printed in the last 18 months is more than all the currency the US markets have ever printed, raising concerns about the long-term sustainability of the dollar.
  • 💰 The concept of fiat money is confusing and doesn’t make much sense, as governments create debt to cover their excessive spending.
  • 💰 “India has become more attractive to foreign investors due to the stability and consistency of the government, resulting in the creation of 40–50 unicorns in just one year.”
  • 💰 India’s competitiveness in industries like pharmaceuticals and IT services is driven by factors such as lower labor costs, but the country needs to focus on upskilling and improving education to move up the value chain and drive future growth.
  • 🌍 “The potential for modifying DNA at birth to enhance traits like intelligence and reduce susceptibility to diseases like cancer is huge.”
  • 💰 “To tackle inflation, the only prudent way is to make the cost of capital higher and reduce liquidity from the ecosystem.”

## Cryptocurrency and Digital Currency

  • 📈 “Cryptocurrencies are constantly evolving and it’s such a fluid concept, with new mechanisms and nuances being discovered.”
  • 🪙 “Bitcoin is like a religion, gaining strength from the size of its followership, and if a new cryptocurrency emerges with more followers, it could become the new ‘religion’ of the digital currency world.”

Long Summary

## The key idea of the video is that the budget, tax policies, and economic factors in India have implications for investment, trading, and the overall growth of the country, and it is important to focus on emotional growth, financial education, and innovative solutions to address challenges and disparities.

00:00 📈 Nikhil Kamath of Zerodha discusses the budget and shares his experience in trading, finance, and economics, highlighting the importance of emotional growth and the challenges faced by speculators and day traders in India due to the STT.

* Nikhil Kamath of Zerodha discusses the budget and shares his years of experience in trading, finance, and economics on The Ranveer Show.
* Last year has been good for Zerodha, with victories and losses, but overall the company has benefited from the bull run in equity markets, resulting in a more stable and peaceful time for them.
* The speaker acknowledges that he should have handled a certain situation differently, but he has spoken to the person involved and hopes to maintain a friendship with him in the long term, as they have always found him intriguing and one of the brightest minds to come out of India.
* Big emotional events in life, whether successes or failures, help us grow and become more efficient at coping with them in the future, and it's important to remember that both wins and losses are temporary and should not be given excessive importance.
* Nikhil Kamath discusses the budget announcement for 2022 and highlights the expectations and requests from investors and traders.
* The STT (security transaction tax) in India makes it difficult for speculators and day traders to remain profitable, but they play a crucial role in reducing impact costs and making it easier for foreigners to invest in the country.

10:03 💰 Lowering tax rates and changing tax policies can encourage investment and trading, benefitting startup and company promoters in India, while the increase in government spending may lead to a higher fiscal deficit; the speaker also discusses the importance of learning about finance and crypto.

* The speaker discusses the high taxation in India for companies and individuals, highlighting the need for changes in tax rates and policies to encourage investment and trading.
* Lowering tax rates can actually increase tax collection as it incentivizes more people to come forward and pay taxes, especially in a country like India where a large portion of the population evades taxes, and removing the dividend distribution tax and capping the surcharge on long-term capital gain tax can benefit startup promoters and company promoters in India.
* The reduction in surcharge to 23% is beneficial as it prevents entrepreneurs from moving to countries with more favorable tax rates, and the budget is focused on increasing government spending.
* The government's plan to spend a large amount of money next year, along with the uncertainty surrounding how they will collect and borrow funds, will likely result in an increase in the fiscal deficit, which is the difference between the amount of goods and services exported and imported by a country.
* The speaker discusses the increase in taxes and budget allocations for education, the mention of drones, and the lack of substantial changes in the budget.
* The speaker discusses the different perspectives on finance and crypto, stating that while they are not an expert, they have been trying to learn about it for many years.

19:11 📈 The regulation of cryptocurrency in India may not be beneficial for traders, but there may be an opportunity for companies to invest in digital assets with a lower tax rate; however, it is important to recognize that higher gains can still be made in the stock market and private equity market, and gold is considered a more reliable asset compared to cryptocurrency.

* The definition of virtual assets used by the government is broad, including even the exchange of pictures or videos for money.
* The regulation of cryptocurrency in India may not be beneficial for traders as it reduces their profits and makes it harder for high-frequency traders and market makers to operate, potentially leading to a less liquid market.
* The recent clarification on the crypto bill in India may lead to an opportunity for companies to invest in digital assets and benefit from a lower tax rate of 10% compared to the current 30% rate, potentially resulting in a decrease in earnings for individuals.
* Cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin and ethereum, are constantly evolving and have various nuances that even someone knowledgeable about the world of money may not fully understand, but it is important to recognize that higher gains can still be made in the stock market and private equity market.
* Gold is considered a more reliable asset compared to cryptocurrency due to its long history, difficulty in production, and resistance to sudden depreciation, making it a good hedge against inflation.
* Gold has always been a good place to retain wealth, but when it comes to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the majority is owned by a small number of people, and due to regulatory concerns and volatility, the speaker does not own any crypto and advises against it unless it becomes fully legalized in the country.

29:59 💰 The value of money is arbitrary and there is a threat to the dollar due to excessive printing, while fiat currencies and growing debt could be affected by inflation and interest rates, and the strength of a country’s currency is determined by followers and believers, with potential unpredictable outcomes if the system implodes; China and Japan offloading US debt will have implications on their ability to service their own debt, and the world is divided into two blocks with potential benefits for Russia in the conflict in Ukraine; the future of India’s growth is uncertain and geopolitical events are unpredictable.

* The value of money used to be based on the gold standard, but since 1971, when the US stopped showing how much gold is in their reserves, the value of the dollar has become arbitrary and there is a possibility of a serious threat to the dollar in the future due to the excessive printing of money.
* The bretton wood system pegged currencies to the dollar, but now we have fiat currencies which are essentially government debt, where the government sells debt to cover excessive spending, resulting in a growing debt that could be affected by inflation and interest rates.
* The strength and value of a country's currency and cryptocurrencies are determined by the number of followers and believers, and if enough people believe in it, it becomes money, which is why America is considered a religion in terms of money and economics, but if the system were to implode, it would have scary and unpredictable outcomes for the United States and other countries.
* China and Japan have been offloading their US debt, which will have implications on their ability to service their own internal debt, and the world is divided into two blocks with the West and India on one side and Russia, China, and Iran on the other, with Russia potentially benefiting from the conflict in Ukraine due to their status as a major oil exporter.
* The future of India and its growth perspective is uncertain, and it is impossible to predict what will happen beyond the next 30-40 years.
* No one, not even the leaders of Russia or America, can accurately predict the direction of geopolitical events due to the limited terms of their leadership.

41:50 📈 The stability of the Indian government has attracted foreign investors and led to the emergence of unicorns, but inflation and unemployment remain major problems, with the actual unemployment rate higher than reported; India’s declining birth rate and aging population will have economic and societal implications, necessitating innovative solutions like biotech advancements.

* The stability and consistency of the Indian government has contributed to the creation of a thriving ecosystem for businesses, attracting foreign investors and leading to the emergence of numerous unicorns in the country.
* Content like Shark Tank has played a significant role in making entrepreneurship more accessible, and if India focuses on upskilling labor and improving education, it can become more competitive in the global market and drive the growth of the country.
* Inflation and unemployment are the major problems facing the country, with inflation significantly reducing purchasing power and unemployment making it difficult for companies to borrow and grow their businesses.
* The actual unemployment rate in India is significantly higher than the reported eight percent, with various factors such as age, education, and geographic location contributing to the disparity, and this high unemployment has the potential to become a major issue in the country.
* India's declining birth rate and the resulting aging population will have significant economic and societal implications, potentially impacting industries such as real estate and necessitating the need for innovative solutions like biotech advancements.
* The potential for modifying DNA at birth to make individuals less susceptible to cancer, taller, or more intelligent is huge.

58:03 💰 Increase cost of capital and reduce liquidity to control inflation, adopt productivity hacks, implement universal basic income, and transition to benevolent capitalism with checks and rules to address wealth disparity and broaden the tax base for societal development.

* Inflation issues are largely influenced by the printing of money by the Federal Reserve in America, and the only prudent solution to control it is to increase the cost of capital and reduce liquidity in the ecosystem, as seen in the case of Turkey.
* The speaker discusses the possibility of India adopting productivity hacks from South Korea and Japan to increase the number of unicorns, but also mentions the need for improved education and the potential implementation of universal basic income.
* Move from capitalism to a form of benevolent capitalism with checks and rules in place, such as inheritance and property taxes, to address wealth disparity, and focus on transaction taxes rather than income taxes to avoid burdening the top one percent.
* Abolishing income tax in India and increasing GST could result in a significant increase in tax collections by bringing more people, including those who have evaded tax, under the tax net, and implementing property taxes could also help in this regard.
* Taxation should be imposed on farm income beyond a certain threshold, including inheritance tax, to ensure that larger farmers and agri-tech companies contribute their fair share and to broaden the tax base for societal development.
* The speaker discusses the importance of tax payment and avoiding tax evasion, and suggests having a separate conversation to delve deeper into these topics.

01:09:04 📚 The speaker discusses the philanthropic ecosystem in Bangalore and the importance of supporting education projects, while also sharing personal insights on resilience, success, and the desire for positive energy.

* The affluent individuals in Bangalore, particularly in the finance and tech sectors, are socially active, humble, and motivated to encourage and support others, with a strong love for the city and a focus beyond material wealth.
* Young India Philanthropy Pledge encourages successful individuals in their 30s, particularly in the tech industry, to donate a significant portion of their wealth towards education projects, such as improving government schools, and the growing philanthropic ecosystem in Bangalore is inspiring for the country.
* The speaker believes that the country will do well and admires wealthy individuals who live modestly, promoting a positive ecosystem, and discusses his own future goals.
* The speaker discusses how he enjoys spending his time doing research and investment-related activities, and how his past experiences and ups and downs have made him more resilient and less insecure.
* Ambition and hunger for success have decreased over time, and the speaker now prioritizes working on projects they enjoy and with people they like, considering it the true measure of success.
* The speaker admires the positive energy of the host and wishes to have some of it, as they have always been pessimistic due to a difficult past.

Q & A

How does Nikhil Kamath suggest moving from capitalism to benevolent capitalism to address wealth disparity?

Nikhil Kamath suggests transitioning from capitalism to benevolent capitalism with checks and rules in place to address wealth disparity. He proposes implementing measures such as inheritance and property taxes . Kamath believes that focusing on transaction taxes rather than income taxes can help avoid burdening the top one percent and broaden the tax base for societal development. He also advocates for abolishing income tax in India and increasing GST to bring more people, including tax evaders, under the tax net. Additionally, implementing property taxes could aid in increasing tax collections . Kamath emphasizes the importance of broadening the tax base and ensuring that larger farmers and agri-tech companies contribute their fair share through taxation on farm income and inheritance tax. These measures aim to address wealth disparity and promote a more equitable society.

How does the excessive printing of money pose a threat to the value of the dollar?

The excessive printing of money poses a threat to the value of the dollar because it raises concerns about the long-term sustainability of the currency. When governments print a large amount of money, it can lead to inflation and decrease the purchasing power of the currency. This excessive money printing could result in a loss of faith and trust in the dollar, affecting its value in the global market. Additionally, the concept of fiat money, where governments create debt to cover their excessive spending, can be confusing and raise further doubts about the value of the currency. The value of a currency is determined by the followers and believers in that currency, and if enough people start losing faith in the dollar’s stability, it could lead to unpredictable outcomes and potentially threaten its position as the global reserve currency.

How does the STT in India impact speculators and day traders?

The Security Transaction Tax (STT) in India has a significant impact on speculators and day traders. According to Nikhil Kamath, co-founder of ZERODHA, the STT makes it difficult for these traders to remain profitable. Although their role is crucial in reducing impact costs and attracting foreign investors to the country, the STT poses a challenge to their profitability. In the document snippets, it is highlighted that the STT reduces profits and makes it harder for high-frequency traders and market makers to operate, potentially leading to a less liquid market. The STT is a tax levied on the purchase or sale of securities and is calculated as a percentage of the transaction value. Its impact on speculators and day traders lies in the additional costs it imposes on their trades, potentially reducing their profit margins and making it harder for them to achieve desired returns.

Note* - This content is generated by AI, we believe it is accurate, but we don’t claim any liability of inaccuracies in the AI generated content.*

Watch the Full Episode here